Let us return to JFK’s acid peddling squeeze Mary Pinchot
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Mary Pinchot Meyer |
Mary, like her husband Cord, was a convert to the one-world-government
school of US global domination despite having been brought up in a left leaning
family and having herself developed an interest in communism whilst a student.
Whilst Cord busied himself shinning up the slippery pole of the CIA hierarchy
the couple developed a friendship with Kathleen Graham, the wife of the
aforementioned journalist Phillip Graham.
However, the Meyers marriage was destined not to survive and
by 1958 Mary had filed for a divorce from the binds of Cord. By 1961 Mary was
meeting JFK at the White House where she successfully managed to get her hands
into the President’s pants. Reportedly the
pair ‘had “about 30 trysts” and at least
one author has claimed she brought marijuana or LSD to almost all of these
meetings.’ Mary, it seems, was the queen of multi-tasking; she could simultaneously
give blow jobs and blow your mind!
Sadly I have been unable to confirm who this mysterious author
was but Timothy Leary, the ‘60s hippie and acid guru, claims that:
“She was taking part in a plan to avert worldwide nuclear war by
convincing powerful male members of the Washington establishment to take
mind-altering drugs, which would presumably lead them to conclude that the Cold
War was meaningless.”
Ok, I get it, she didn’t really want to fuck the young and
dynamic leader of the so-called free world she was merely doing it to save us
all from the perils of nuclear holocaust! I guess it was just easier and more
convenient to pop into the White House for a quickie in the Oval Office than to
nip over to Moscow to suck off Khrushchev.
Kennedy, for his part, also presumably thought he was doing
his bit for world peace and international relations by simultaneously knobbing
a Czech, a Chinese, an East German, an American and, if he had the energy, his
wife. Oh, and Marilyn Monroe.
‘according to Leary, Pinchot Meyer said she had shared in this plan with at least
seven other Washington socialite friends who held similar political views and
were trying to supply LSD to a small circle of high ranking government
officials. Leary also claimed that Pinchot Meyer had asked him for help while
in a state of fear for her own life after the assassination of President
According to his biography, Flashbacks Timothy Leary claims that Mary
phoned him the day after Kennedy was assassinated saying: “They couldn’t
control him anymore. He was changing too fast. He was learning too much... They’ll
cover everything up. I gotta come see you. I’m scared. I’m afraid”.’
On 12th October, 1964, Mary Pinchot Meyer was shot dead;
murdered, apparently the victim of a hired assassin. As for that perpetual twat
Timothy Leary, he would end up turning on, tuning in and dropping out to such
an extent that he found himself sharing a prison cell with Charles Manson: but
we shall return to old Charlie boy in the fullness of time.
First we must explore the nefarious links between the CIA
and LSD and this, in turn, leads us to the activities of one Ronald
Hadley Stark.
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Ronald Stark |
Poor old Ron, he had the kind of face even a mother would
despise but whilst he may not have possessed good looks, or even a full head of
hair, he did have a British passport. Official British sources have refused to
reveal how Stark got hold of an authentic passport in the name of Terrence W
Abbott, I guess in fear of recriminations; in much the same way as Ron’s
wigmaker would never publically confess to having designed his shocking syrup*.
*Syrup: Cockney rhyming slang, short for syrup of figs = wig.
Ron also had a shitload of acid and a mission: to use LSD in
order to facilitate the overthrow of the political systems of both the
capitalist West and communist East by inducing altered states of consciousness in
millions of people.
Which is similar, is it not, to the somewhat deranged
ramblings of Mary Pinchot Meyer. The principle differences being that whilst
Mary thought she could bring about global peace and a new world order simply by
tripping out a few government top cheeses, Ron wanted to mind-fuck the entire
Now Ron would take over a hippie collective that went by the
groovy name of The Brotherhood of Eternal Love who may well, at one time, have
been a bunch of long-haired, dope smoking, peace loving sandal wearers but, with
Ron’s elevation to head honcho, actually became an outlet for supplying most of
the western world with CIA produced acid. Stark also had links in England with
the psychiatrist R.D. Laing and the conspiracy theorists favourite wet-dream
outlet the Tavistock Institute.
There is some circumstantial evidence to suggest that the
free festival movement that was to burgeon and mushroom in England in the seventies
was created specifically to disseminate the Brotherhoods LSD to the masses.
Indeed, a massive LSD production operation based in Wales that was busted at
the conclusion of the infamous Operation Julie has
more than a trace of Ronald Stark’s fingerprints all over it. This operation
was based in the tiny Welsh village of Llandewi Brevi which by then had as a
resident one very out of place Londoner by the name of David Litvinoff; last
heard off enjoying a bizarre ménage a trois scenario with his fella and a deranged
Kray twin.
Although this LSD operation occurred after the incarceration
of the twins Litvinoff’s presence is, nonetheless, indicative of the
establishment of a trade route for the acid back to the big smoke in much the
same way the Jack the Stripper victims were orchestrating the movement of speed
across the capital.
Litvinoff, whose reputation was made as a ‘gangster
consultant’ for the film Performance
starring Mick Jagger, met a tragic end in 1975 when he became the latest of our
glittering cast to succumb to one too many sleeping pills!
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David Litvinoff, the only gay in the
To recap: we have Ronald Stark supervising the production
and distribution of CIA LSD across the US and Europe via the Brotherhood of
Eternal Love, an organization described by the US government as “the dealing arm of Tim Leary’s League for
Spiritual Discovery”; furthermore, US government prosecutors would receive
testimony, in exchange for immunity, from William Mellon Hitchcock that he “had the ability to launder money through
foreign bank accounts” and that he had assisted in setting up bank accounts
in the Bahamas and Switzerland.
This bank account being with the CIA fronted Castle Bank and
Trust based in the Bahamas that we have mentioned previously, and William
Mellon Hitchcock who was the guy that shared a flat in London with Thomas
Corbally, the CIA asset, who, you may recall, met Stephen Ward to discuss the
Profumo affair and who shared Ward’s predilection for kinky parties.
As did the film-maker, Earl Fenton, another CIA asset, to
whom Stephen Ward was feeding false information a là Operation Mockingbird.
All of which establishes a link between Ward and his cohorts
and the US group that was providing CIA produced LSD to Mary Pinchot Meyer who,
in turn, supplied it to JFK.
We also know that The Process: Church of the Final Judgement
visited the Bahamas upon their departure from London in 1966. They claim that
they were there searching for a place to continue their so-called psychological
research, a place far away from the notoriety of being The Mindbenders of
Mayfair as the tabloids called them. In reality they were there to establish a
Castle Bank and Trust slush fund account before departing for the US to
distribute their peculiar dogma to the primary purveyors of the CIA produced
acid; the Californian love children. This being the first step in their master
plan to invoke world peace via the means of a post global-race-war induced
anarchy engineered by manufactured serial-killers!
Let us consider a brief timeline of events:
On August 3, 1963, Phillip Graham, the journalist and
one-time Kennedy ally who informed the media about JFK’s affair with Mary
Pinchot Meyer and the principle recipient of bogus stories via the CIA’s
Operation Mockingbird, is shot dead, purportedly, by his own hand.
This very same day, in London, Dr Stephen Ward, the man at
the heart of the Profumo affair, dies from a supposedly self-imposed overdose
of sleeping pills.
Three months later on November 22, 1963, John F Kennedy is
shot dead in Dallas, Texas. On the same day the author, and new-world-order
champion, Aldous Huxley also dies.
On October 12, 1964, Mary Pinchot Meyer is shot dead by a
hired assassin and with her demise the trail back to the CIA and its LSD
operation is also terminated.
Indeed, if the CIA were convinced that LSD held the
potential to brainwash world leaders, or at the very least lead them into compromising
situations from which they would be vulnerable to blackmail, then it would not
be too much of a stretch to surmise that the ensuing hippie phenomenon was a
CIA construct designed to brainwash an entire generation into believing that
love and peace and a flower in your hair would be enough to take their minds
off the huge arse-fucking they were about to receive from corporate, capitalist
Given that the entire ‘flower-power’ movement was a very
short-lived phenomenon, and that it had itself evolved from earlier
sub-cultures, it may be too much of a stretch to claim that it was devised
entirely as an establishment plot, however, the establishment links to the
elements that were parachuted in to poison the movement (the Process, Manson
etc.) are all too evident to witness.
Certainly the cum-stains of Ward’s girls can be found all
over the events that led to the end of both the Macmillan and Kennedy administrations.
It is a high profile conspiracy indeed that can cause regime change in two of
the world’s most powerful nations.
But the links don’t stop there. On 28th October, 1962, Stephen
Ward introduced Christine Keeler to the lawyer Michael Eddowes who
would go on to provide legal assistance to Chrissie. Ward first met Eddowes
when he treated him at his, Cliveden Set financed, London practice following a
car accident. There, also in October of 1962, Ward introduced him to Soviet
Naval attaché Eugene Ivanov.
In 1975 Eddowes published a book, Khrushchev Killed Kennedy, in which he argued that Kennedy was
killed by a Soviet agent impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald.
Twenty-five minutes before the assassination of JFK someone telephoned
the Cambridge
Evening News in the UK warning of “big
news” and suggested the paper call the US embassy in London. When this
story emerged it was claimed the phone-call was anonymous. However, later that
day a CIA officer based in London sent a telegram to their office in Washington
claiming “some similar phone-calls of
strangely coincidental nature previously received in this country over the past
year, particularly in connection with the Dr Ward’s case.”
Which is a delicious coincidence, do you not think? Could
Eddowes have made the calls? Could Eddowes have been working for British
intelligence? Could Eddowes have been an informant?
It has been suggested that it was
Michael Eddowes who introduced Chrissie to Paul Mann; Mann, we should remember,
was suspected of being an MI5 agent by Johnny Edgecombe and Eddowes himself was
known to boast of having been an intelligence
The clear implication here is that the same people who
snuffed out Ward for what he knew also took out JFK. Somebody, the mysterious
caller, clearly also knew in advance these events were about to take place.
Another candidate for the mystery caller was a Russian journalist
by the name of Victor
Louis, real name Vitaly Yuvgenyevich Lui, who wrote for the Cambridge
Evening News and who will crop up again in this affair. More circles within
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